
We will be updating this site as we grow together. Join us as we learn how to use Voxer. We will be posting archives and tips here frequently.

The first Saturday of each month will have a new set of questions. On the other Saturdays, Chat moderators will be available from 10:00 am - 10:30 am est to help with any questions you may have.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

#NT2v Questions for 7-18-2015

10:00 am Introductions and Welcome

#NT2v Q1: Let us introduce @Edumatch Their Voxer group is a fast paced large group. Feel free to jump in when you can and mark all as read as needed.

#NT2v Q2: What value is there in having small groups for Voxer chats? Large groups?

#NT2v Q3:  How do you use Voxer outside of Edu conversations?

10:30 am
#NT2v Thank you so much for joining us. Feel free to join our NT2v Voxer group for more hands on support. http://goo.gl/forms/LLColGQMTc