
We will be updating this site as we grow together. Join us as we learn how to use Voxer. We will be posting archives and tips here frequently.

The first Saturday of each month will have a new set of questions. On the other Saturdays, Chat moderators will be available from 10:00 am - 10:30 am est to help with any questions you may have.

Join the Conversation

Are you new to Voxer? Have questions but don't know who to ask? Ask us. We are a group of educators willing to help answer your questions. Just complete the form below and we will include you in the conversation.

Also, use #NT2v on Twitter. Someone will get with you to help


  1. Hello I am a third grade teacher and this will be my fourth year of teaching and I still need advice.

    1. Please join us on Voxer. You can download the app free from the App Store or Google Play. There are thousands of Educators willing to support and mentor. We look forward to hearing from you.
