
We will be updating this site as we grow together. Join us as we learn how to use Voxer. We will be posting archives and tips here frequently.

The first Saturday of each month will have a new set of questions. On the other Saturdays, Chat moderators will be available from 10:00 am - 10:30 am est to help with any questions you may have.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Edcamp Voxer

It is here. Thanks so much to Sarah Thomas, Nicol Howard, Rachelle Wooten, Carla Jefferson, and Shana White voxer is now being used for a unique new Edcamp. Want to know more? Follow the link below and sign up for a session or two. Sessions officially start December 23rd at 12pm EST and officially conclude on December 30th at 11:45am EST. 

Edcamp Voxer

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